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[〖🅱百度网盘下载〗] [自购禁转][DL购入][230519][ENG Sub] A Package From Mikage, The Obsessed Stalker CV:amaoto[AVI]RJ01059793

匿名  发表于 2024-5-7 16:40:32 |阅读模式
Obsessive stalker Mikage x The cop whose love is too heavy
* (120 minutes of audio!!) + Download Milestone Bonus Content!
*R18 BL Situation Voice Drama
*Contains mild self-harm

---- But that's okay...

No matter what you act like,
or how many girl's you've cheated on me with in the past...
or even if you don't like me...
You can't escape from here anyway...♪

Let's be together forever, okay?


Mikage Hachinosu is a sophomore at a public university.
This mysterious boy is invited by many of his classmates to go on group blind dates,
but he turns them all down, saying his partner would get jealous.

"Aoi and I started dating in the fourth grade.
He was a private tutor who taught me social studies.
He was so cool that my heart throbbed just from looking at him...

One day, I got the courage to ask him a question...
When I did, he patted my head and said, 'You're such a studious boy. Keep it up.'.
That's when our secret relationship started.

We barely talked and we barely saw each other...
But I knew exactly what Aoi was doing all the time, so that was alright with me.♪"

One day, Mikage overhears Aoi sleeping with a woman.

"I see. I just need to make a world for him and me.♪"

This is a heartwarming, erotic love comedy of two twisted lovers♪

*Recording Contents*

*Track List
0. Mikage's Everyday Stalker Life (Masturbation)
1. Mikage's Delivery (Fellatio, Face   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   ing, Cowgirl Position, and Restraints on Aoi)
2. Situation Reversal (Kissing, Nosebleed, Back-to-Back Orgasm, Verbal Ab*se, Cock Tip T*rture, Squirting, Peeing, and Restraints on Mikage)
3. Aoi's Love is Heavy (Puppy Play, Collar, Urethral T*rture (Vibrator), Nipple T*rture (Electrified), Full-Body Licking, and Restraints on Mikage)
4. Mikage Learns About Real   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   (Kissing, Collar, Bathing, Neglect, Anal Plug With A Tail, Aphrodisiac Body Wash, and Spanking)
5. The Special and Beloved (Love   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   , Filmed   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   , and Colon Teasing)
6. Mikage's Happy Everyday Life (Remote Control Vibrator)

*Track Content*

(Prologue) Mikage's Everyday Stalker Life

"Haa...Nnn... The underwear he gave me...
They still smell just like him.
There was even a pube stuck inside... It was long and cool. I just had to preserve it...♪"

"Haa... Haa... Haa...
My dick got hard...
Nn... Ngh... Aoi... Haa... I love you.
Mm... Anm...   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   ... Slurp... Slurp... Haa! Haa!"

"Aoi, you always take the lead... Mm... Haa... Ngh!
Haa! Haa! Aah! I'm cumming. I'm gonna cum. Haa!
Aah! If you rub the tip, I'll cum right away...
Ngh! Haa! Mm... Shhk! Shhkk! Shhkk!
Ngah! Haa! Mm! I'm cumming! Mm! Nghhh!"

(Track 1) Mikage's Delivery

"Woah... You're huge... Haa... Haa...
It's Aoi's dick...!
Haa... Haa... Now that I think of it,
I came over once and measured your dick while you were sleeping... Haa... Haa...
It gets this big when you're turned on, huh? Haa... Haa..."

"The tip... Haa... is huge... Mm... Ngh!
Aahh... Your dick hit my face... because you keep struggling... Haa... Haa..."

"You're asking what I'm gonna do to you...? As if you don't already know...
Your dick is more honest than your mouth...♪
It's saying it wants to get wrapped up... It's even drooling... Aah... Mm..."

(Track 2) Situation Reversal

Aaahh! Mm! W-wait! I can't cum anymore! Ngah!
It won't come out anymore...! Ngah! Nghhh! It's too much! Haa!
Aaahh! Don't tease the tip again! Aahh!"

"Why? I want you to hurt me...!
Ngah! I can't cum anymore. Aah! Ngah! Mm!
Stop! Don't fondle my balls! It hurts!
You're forcing them... Haa...! To make more cum!
Mm! Ngh! Aahh! I'm cumming! It's coming out! Ah! Haa!"

(Track 3) Aoi's Love is Heavy

My nipples! Ngh! Don't electrocute them!
I'm s-sorry! Haa!
I'm sorry for causing your friends trouble!"

"Nghh! I won't do it anymore. Haa! Aahh!
The only one I'll stalk is you!
Haa! Aah! Ngh! I'm cumming again! I don't wanna, but I'm still gonna cum!"

The inside of my urethra! Aaahh! Is trembling! Ngah! Mmm!
I'm gonna pee! Aaahh!
Ngh! I can't! It won't come out! Please, Aoi... Nghhh!"

"Hurt me more!
It's no fun getting pleasured all the time! Aahh!"

(Track 4) Mikage Learns About Real   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***  
"Ahng! I'm sorry for sticking my butt out... Ahnng!
But it's so ama...amazing! Aah! Haa!
Every time you rub up against that spot...
pleasure surges throughout my body!

So deep! Haa! Don't go so deep! If you slam up again there... Aahh!
Haa! Not my male womb! Nghh! That's...!"

"Haa! That's where you're gonna put it in next...? We're gonna keep going...?"

"Ngah! Aah! Aaahh!
You're hitting my prostate nonstop! Ngh! Ahng! Stop!
Ngh! I wanna run away! I can't run away! Ahh! Stop!
If you whisper... Haa! In my ear like that... Aahh! Ngh! I love it!"

Please enjoy track 5 onward by listening to the full version.

*Bonus Content*

*Commemorating 100 Downloads* An Unscripted Talk by Amaoto
*Commemorating 150 Downloads* Logo-free illustration (High-Quality)
*Commemorating 200 Downloads* Blooper collection

[ENG Sub] A Package From Mikage, The Obsessed Stalker [ハニーブーブー]
*Mikage Hachinosu: Age 20 CV: Amaoto

This lonely young man grew up in a wealthy family but has been cut off by his parents.
He's always smiling and somehow injured somewhere.
He's a rather intense stalker who monitors the main character's house and surroundings, sends him numerous letters, and disguises himself as a deliveryman to gift him locks of his own hair and so on.
He was once tutored by Aoi when he was younger. After getting patted on the head during their time together, he began to think that they were dating.

*Aoi Akagawa: Age 31
Despite his cute name, he's a muscular police officer. In fact, he's a dangerous person.

Track List
1.0.Mikage's Everyday Stalker Life (Masturbation)
2.1.Mikage's Delivery (Fellatio, Face   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   ing, Cowgirl Position, and Restraints on Aoi)
3.2.Situation Reversal (Kissing, Nosebleed, Back-to-Back Orgasm, Verbal Abuse, Cock Tip Torture, Squ
4.3.Aoi's Love is Heavy (Puppy Play, Collar, Urethral Torture (Vibrator), Nipple Torture (Electrifie
5.4.Mikage Learns About Real   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   (Kissing, Collar, Bathing, Neglect, Anal Plug With A Tail, Aphrodis
6.5.The Special and Beloved (Love   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   , Filmed   ***下载/download/otomedream/ダウンロード***   , Colon Teasing)
7.6.Mikage's Happy Everyday Life (Remote Control Vibrator)
*CV: Amaoto

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